► point5 Harry Potter Quotes: The Philosopher’s Stone

5. “Fine day Sunday, in my opinion, best day of the week.”

Vernon’s pretty bloody smug really. After a long week of burning letters and blockading any entry to the house, he can’t wait for Sunday. And it’s not just because Royal Mail don’t operate on Sundays that gets him excited, it’s because he cannot bloody wait to ask Harry exactly why he loves Sunday so much, he’s been planning it all week. He loves it. And so do I really, get in there Uncle Vernon.

People do great stuff on the internet…

4. “You’re a wizard Harry”

Revolutionary, this line changes everything. But that’s not why it makes my top 5 quotes, and I think you know very well why it’s here. If you don’t you’re in for a treat. Sit back and enjoy one of the best YouTube videos out there.

3. “Platform 9 and 3/4? Think you’re being funny do you?… Platform 9 and 3/4!”

People often ask me who my favourite HP character is. Easy. This guy. So undervalued, he just tells the little punk that Harry is what’s what. It’s tedious watching everyone praising Harry and trying to be best mates with him, and all we needed was a bit of this no nonsense attitude to take him down a peg or two.

2. “You thereD5!”

This is Ron’s time, one of his few spotlight moments. Chess is his thing, and he takes the reins, because he’s the knight! Right?! He is loving it, you can tell as soon as he walks in and lets Harry know that he’s completely off the ball. It isn’t a graveyard mate, it’s quite obviously a chessboard.. As if his authority wasn’t already in place, he casually sends out one of his pawns as cannon fodder, and still smashes home a solid victory, while heroically sacrificing himself in the process. A bold game, a bold boy.

1. “Give it here Malfoy or I’ll knock you off your broom”

A common misconception is that the first couple of Harry Potter films are far more child-friendly and not nearly as dark as the films that follow, but I think it’s absolutely shocking that this scene has been completely ignored when making the comparison. Harry’s aggression is quite frankly terrifying and I always applaud Malfoy for staying cool under the heat of the situation and not bowing down to the ferocity of the Boy who Lived.

And that concludes my top 5 quotes from the first film. Look out for Chamber of Secrets quotes soon, I’m excited, we’ll get a bit of Lockhart in there.

► point5 Harry Potter Quotes: The Prisoner of Azkaban.


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